Tuesday 7 June 2011


My Digital World – Evaluation
Amanda Lunt

For this project we have been given the brief title My Digital World, we have been asked to produce a final image(S) that summed up My Digital World. We have been asked to place all our research, images, and ideas on blogspot.com.
For this project I came up with quite a few ideas, of what I wanted to do. My first idea was to ask people to pose with their mobile phones, iPods (or any digital item they had on them) I had this idea because people are so absorbed with digital products that they will always have one on them. My second idea was iPods; I was going to take a picture of all the different iPods going up in generation. I thought this idea fitted with the brief title because its digital, and shows how the digital world has progressed, become more advanced – I was going to take the picture like the Ape to Man image, showing the first iPod and how it has been chopped changed and re-designed into the iPods we have today. The final idea that I had was the one I decided that I would use. My idea is a bit like my first idea but juggled around a bit, I decided that I would take candid shots of people using the digital devices, for example I have chosen two people using mobile phones for my final image. This shows that people are quite dependant on mobile phones.
My final image was edited using Adobe Photoshop; I chose my favourite two candid shots of people using mobile phones and edited them on Photoshop. I zoomed in on the images so it looked like I was closer and also when you look at the image it gives off an idea that you can actually hear the conversation going on in the picture. I printed my images at A3 size onto form board, so I had to make sure that the canvas size was set to the correct size or when I printed my image onto A3 it wouldn’t be stretched or distorted.
My strengths in this project was probably in the editing, since I have taken a summer course in Photoshop I was able to use the tools I have learnt on the course and what I got taught in college and apply it to my image, to get the image to the stage I wanted. My weakness in this project was two things, keeping up with the blog, making sure I kept that up to date with my ideas and changes, the other area of weakness was confidence to take the images of the people.
On my website that I created for this project I have placed all the thoughts and ideas that I have had, I also recorded all the different stages I have gone through to create my image. On the website I have put some artist links on, these artist helped inspire me to create the final images. The main artist that I looked at was Michael Wolf, he uses Google maps for his images, he went through streets and found images that Google had taken and Michael Wolf took the image of the screen, this is getting up close and personal to the people in the images, also by using Google Maps, he was able to get closer to the people than if he was one the street trying to take the image.  As well as the blog I have been using a journal, this is a personal book, where I have been recording any ideas that I’ve had or thoughts. 
When it came to presenting the images, we were given an exhibition space at the Electric Works Gallery in Sheffield. We each had a section of a wall that went around the centre of the room. My work was placed, so when you walked into the room it was one of the first pieces of work you saw. The outside is made of glass, this makes the building look even bigger, and it looks like a space that would hold exhibition. I think that it was the right place to hold our exhibition because it fits with the brief as it all up to date and modern like the digital world is now. The inside is a lot like the outside with it being modern, bright and open. Inside you have a helter-skelter – this is the main attraction in the building, it is placed as up walk into the reception, the walls are all bright and bold so it makes a visit to the Electric Work memorable. The area that we presented our work in has a giant seating area with a computers and phone area – In the middle there is a giant circle where you can place work and on the other side of the circle is a business room.  We had an open evening on the 26th May 2011, were we showed our work to parents, sponsors and tutors. I enjoyed the evening showing my work off to different people. This was the first time I had shown anything to an audience so when I was creating my final images I had a lot to consider, like eye level, colour, and size. I think that my final images included everything that I needed.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Audience

  1. Types of audiences that vist art exhibitions?
The type of audience that visit exhibitions are people who are interested in art. Also people who are intrested in seeing how people work and finding new artist. The main type of people who visit art exhibitions are people who have heard that an artist they like is showing work. 

     2. What is the audience expection of the type of exhibtion you are creating?
The type of exhibtion I am creating, is for the title Digital World. So I would think that the audience is expecting something to do with computers, moblie phones etc - basically anything that you would relate to the world Digital. 

    3. What does the audience expect in the way of presentation?
 I think that the audience would expect clean, crisp presentation. This would porvide a very professional look and finish to the images. 

    4/5  What will the audience experience from your work? What do you want the audience to experience from your exhibition?
 Hopefully the audience will get a feel for the converstation going on between the images. My image is of two people on mobile phones, I got the camera quite close to the mobile phones. The reason I did this is so when a person looks at the image they will hopefully be absorbed into the image, and almost hear the converstaton going on. 


Wednesday 11 May 2011

Michael Wolf

This is an image by Michael Wolf, has chosen Google’s Street View tool. Michael Wolf uses Google Street View to get up close and into peoples 'personal' space, this allows him to get shots that he wouldn't normally be able to take. 
 With the image above you can almost feel the love, and how the man in front feel a little uncomfortable about the couple behind him. 

After looking at my images in there final form , I decided that these to images alone said everything that I wanted my images to say. My images  are a very similar style to Michael Wolf.
I've got very close to the mobile phones, so close that you only see some of the person. I think my images give off a sense that you're almost close enough to hear the conversation.

I'm now going to print on A3 paper, and mount to foam board. I think that printing these images larger will send off a bigger effect.

The final idea.

This is a screen shot of the images I'm going to use for my final image. My 'idea' is, that I have took candid shots of people using there mobile phones around town and I'm zooming in on the device. The idea is that people are always using some sort of digital device and that it dominates peoples lives.  I'm going to print the images onto A4 photo paper then mount them to foam boards, I'll be using Velcro to keep my images on the wall.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

So i've decided to change my idea, AGAIN....

But this time I think I'm going to stick with it, as I think it matches the brief for My digital World better than the other two ideas i've had.
So this idea is a bit of my first idea, just juggled around a bit. I'm taking pictures of people using digital devices such as phones, ipods, etc, I'm going to take two types of pictures: The first type of picture is where I have asked the person to pose for an picture,the second type is a sneaky shot, where I just take the picture of the people in action whilst using the devices - this type of shot was to show how dependent people are on the digital devices.
If you take a look around your town you will normally find that most of the people are using mobile phones or have some sort of musical device on them.
I'm not sure which type of picture I'm going to use, so I'm taking both to see which one turns out better.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


I have my final image, I have choson to use 4 ipods, showing the different generations.
To create my final image i have used photoshop.
On photoshop i changed the brightness and contrast to bring out the bright matalic colours, other than that i have made no other change to my image.
The image size is A3, I have chosen to go A3 because i only have the one image so i wanted it to look good. The ipods are tilted slightly to the side so you can see how the ipods have moved on and changed in design.