Wednesday 27 April 2011

Idea 2 - The break down.

So i have decided to go with idea 2  because i think that it describes the digital world better than the first idea.
So for my idea i have decided to take individual pictures of the Apple Ipod devices. I'm taking the pictures of the devices on the own sideways and so that the top and bottom of the ipod is touching the top and bottom of the picture. As the ipods get taller, obviously the images are going to get taller increasing the size of the picture. I'll be using either 4/5 different ipods, in  the different  generations, I will place the ipods in generation order so the size may be all up and down - this I think looks like the network connection you get in the conner of a digtial device, therefore thinking this more to the digital world project.

Monday 25 April 2011

Idea 2

This is my idea for the ipods.
I'm not sure which position to place the Ipod's in either the first one or the second one. I think that the 1st matches the Ape to Man image better but the second image shows how the ipod has become more advanced and developed.

My idea - Further

I now have two ideas that I would like to develop.

  1. My first idea was to mirror Martin Parr's idea of taking pictures of people in the street. What I have done is took pictures of people using there digital item (eg - phone/ipod) either from afar or have them pose - I'm not sure which I want to use because Martin Parr had them posed.
     2. My second idea ( I prefer this idea to the first) is too take pictures of of different ipod generation and how they have developed. I have thought how I'm going to take them but I'm unsure of which to use, the first is just to take them lying flat to show how advanced they have become, the second way to take them is like the Ape to Man image - where the first one is the oldest then the last one is the newest.

Out of the two idea's I like the second one more, but I have the images for both so I don't have to chose just yet which I want to do.

Group Discussion

^ this is a link to a video about Robots and how developed they have become. The reason we looked at Robots in our group discussion was because robots/ or machines are being very developed in the digital, for example you used to wash the pots there is now a washing machine that does it for you. The main discussion we had was about could the Robot/Machines become so developed that they take over the world?

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Lose yourself.

This is one of my final images (1//3) this image shows that when using digital devices you can get lost in your own world. By having his ear phones in he's cutting the world off , creating a barrier around him.

Saturday 2 April 2011

 ^ This link is to the digital world blogger, on here you will find related topics to the subject title my digital world.

Check it out :)

Difference of quailty.

 For this I have taken a video of a digital device using my blackberry (mobile phone). Once I had uploaded the video to my computer using the cable connection ( connects to the computer via a USB port) I played the video and took a screen shot of the quailty. This image shows that the quailty of image is not very good, and has distorted the image slighty and doesn't show the image to its full quality.