Monday 25 April 2011

My idea - Further

I now have two ideas that I would like to develop.

  1. My first idea was to mirror Martin Parr's idea of taking pictures of people in the street. What I have done is took pictures of people using there digital item (eg - phone/ipod) either from afar or have them pose - I'm not sure which I want to use because Martin Parr had them posed.
     2. My second idea ( I prefer this idea to the first) is too take pictures of of different ipod generation and how they have developed. I have thought how I'm going to take them but I'm unsure of which to use, the first is just to take them lying flat to show how advanced they have become, the second way to take them is like the Ape to Man image - where the first one is the oldest then the last one is the newest.

Out of the two idea's I like the second one more, but I have the images for both so I don't have to chose just yet which I want to do.

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