Tuesday 8 March 2011

Exploring Pixels

In digital imaging, a pixel (or picture element) is the smallest addressable screen element in raster graphics; it is the smallest unit of picture that can be controlled. Each pixel has its own address.

This is the original image from the mobile phone, in this image you can see clearly see the image, but you can't see any of the pixels that make up the image.
This is the same image but I have zoomed in by 300% using the magnifer tool on photoshop. You can now start to see the pixels in the image, causing the image to become pixelated.
This is the image again but zoomed in 1600%, all quality of the image has been lost, but you can just make out the image, this is part of the ipod, if you hadn't seen the original image you wouldn't know what this was. This is the furthest I could zoom in, if I could zoom in any further I don't think you would be able to see the image at all, it would just be a pixel blur. 

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